3/13/2015: “Third Sector” Panel at Public Choice Society

Building upon working papers presented at our November 2014 conference on “Philanthropy & the Economic Way of Thinking,” The Philanthropic Enterprise organized a panel for the 52nd annual meeting of the Public Choice Society held in San Antonio, TX, March 12-15, 2015.

Lenore Ealy speaks to Bastiat Societies

TPE President Lenore Ealy gave a talk on “Exit, Voice, and Bourbon” at the July 14 meeting of the Indianapolis Chapter of The Bastiat Society.  

Good to see real debate emerging

It was good to read Scott Walter’s recent coverage of the ACR meeting at Philanthropy Daily: Moderator Sandra Swirski of ACR reiterated the need for the audience to help move Congress from the view of the charitable tax deduction as a “subsidy” of good works by the government to the tax-base theory advocated by Woolf: “If you give it away, it’s simply not income.”

Transparent Charity

In a May column at Forbes, Alex Chafuen discusses John Tyler’s 2013 publication “Transparency in Philanthropy” by way of Renaissance Florence and the work of the “Good men of San Martino” the Buonomini of San Martino, a brotherhood founded in 1441.

Markets, Entitlement and The Ethos of Modern Philanthropy

Writing in The Public Discourse last week (A Moral Foundation for Entitlement Reform), Adam MacLeod proposes that charity forms sympathetic bonds between donors and their recipients in ways that government entitlement payments cannot: Acts of sharing and exchange within the family establish moral connections.

Defending the Charitable Status Quo

Writing at Philanthropy Daily, Lenore Ealy, Virgil Storr and Chris Coyne suggest that current defenses of the charitable status quo on the basis of the economic impact of philanthropy need closer examination: The nonprofit sector today grasps both at its Tocquevillean heritage and at the charitable deduction as necessary to its sustenance.

Does Lowering Barriers to Goodness Promote Pathological Altruism?

In The Freeman today, Fred Foldvary asks “Do Markets Promote Immoral Behavior?” After distinguishing markets (buying and selling operating within an ethical and legal framework) from bazaars (spaces characterized merely by buying and selling) and exploring the universal ethic operational within markets, (in Foldvary’s definition ethical action hinges upon voluntary actions and transactions that generate beneficial consequences), Foldvary goes on to discuss the ways in which markets not only inhibit immoral behavior but also promote good.