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3/13/2015: “Third Sector” Panel at Public Choice Society

Building upon working papers presented at our November 2014 conference on “Philanthropy & the Economic Way of Thinking,” The Philanthropic Enterprise organized a panel for the 52nd annual meeting of the Public Choice Society held in San Antonio, TX, March 12-15, 2015.

Investing in Happiness: Philanthropy as a Guide to Positive Psychology

Positive psychology has rediscovered that our experience as intentional beings is intimately related to our ability to experience happiness. It has thereby validated many traditional notions of well-being, including the importance of meaning and purpose in our lives and the importance of virtue, character, and transcendent belief.

Comment I

By Zoltan J. Acs Peter J. Boettke and David L. Prychitko provide a valuable contribution to the debate on the relationship between the compulsory power of the state, the capitalist search for private monetary profit, and the spontaneous ordering of associations—the nonprofit sector.

Learning in an Age of Schooling

Almost three decades ago a young woman named Ariel quit school. Not to play hooky, but to educate herself.

Homeless Youth Workout, Build Confidence

In Indianapolis, a nationally-known fitness program called CrossFit is engaging with homeless youth, helping them get in shape, and providing a natural connection point between those who are often on opposite sides of the law.

CrossFit Confidence

Reprinted with permission from Outreach, Inc. Everyone else is finished, but one young man hangs from a bar, only halfway done with the morning’s exercise routine at the CrossFit gym at the corner of 10th and Post Road on Indianapolis’ eastside.

Lunch Break Health Care

Jane Werner was having heart trouble. She had no energy and felt like sleeping all the time.


Senior Fellow James Otteson posts an apt quotation from Samuel Smiles’ classic Self-Help

Grade School Marketplace

Every Friday, India Ghee receives a paycheck, and like most other Americans, she must decide how much of it she will spend, save, and give.