Midwestern Liberal: A Smithian “Reclaiming of the American Dream”
Introduction At my first Philanthropic Enterprise colloquium in 2004, we explored the work of economist Kenneth Boulding.Midwestern Liberal: A Smithian “Reclaiming of the American Dream”
Introduction At my first Philanthropic Enterprise colloquium in 2004, we explored the work of economist Kenneth Boulding.Philanthropy, Economy, and Human Betterment: A Conversation with Kenneth Boulding
The consensus among economists today, and indeed since Adam Smith, is that philanthropy plays no essential role in the formal theory or institutional structure of a complex, decentralized economy.Positive Psychology and Philanthropy: Reclaiming the Virtues of Classical Liberalism
How can we theorize a “free and humane” liberal order composed of market processes and “aggressive and imaginative voluntary action in the public interest”?